Александр Блок: белорусская страница жизни

… Стихи часто хранят тайны и если их правильно и внимательно прочесть, то они могут открыть нам свою тайну. – М. Бекетова.

Вместе с библиотекарем старшего отдела библиотеки Анной Коско Виталий Евгеньевич  Шевцов, член Союза писателей России, председатель правления Балтийской писательской организации,  поведал учащимся неизвестную историю, которая по воле судеб открылась ему в Белоруссии.

История тщательно и ревностно хранимая в памяти жителей деревеньки Колбы (Пинский район., Республика Беларусь), началась во время первой мировой войны, в 1916 году.

Волей случая Евгений Витальевич нашел Марию. Девушка Мария, с Полесских лугов и полей, стала новой любовью поэта и матерью его сына. Упоминания о ней в биографии поэта были сокрыты от народа, и если для всех нас это стало откровением и неожиданностью, то для старожилов белорусской деревни это истина, с которой они живут вот без малого сотню лет. (полную историю Вы сможете прочитать в книге В.Е. Шевова - Мост влюбленных)

… Жизнь без начала и конца,
Нас всех подстерегает случай…

Встреча завершилась своеобразным флеш-мобом (который является фирменным брендом литературной гостиной), где каждый участник прочел лишь одно слово из стихотворения А. Блока, по своему порядковому номеру, с закладки, которую он унес домой в память о сегодняшней встрече. И слово за словом, в актовом зале «Гайдаровки» прозвучало:

Всё на земле умрет – и мать, и младость,
Жена изменит, и покинет друг.
Но ты учись вкушать иную сладость,
Глядясь в холодный и полярный круг.
Бери свой челн, плыви на дальний полюс
В стенах из льдаи тихо забывай,
Как там любили, гибли и боролись…
И забывай страстей бывалый край.
И к вздрагиваньям медленного хлада
Усталую ты душу приучи,
Чтоб было здесь ей ничего не надо,
Когда оттуда ринутся лучи.

Александр Блок

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Which site is better for watching Korean dramas, Kissasian or Dramacool?

In recent years, the global popularity of Korean dramas, commonly referred to as K-dramas, has skyrocketed. Thanks to streaming platforms, viewers worldwide have easy access to these captivating shows, which are known for their compelling storylines, diverse genres, and talented actors. Among the myriad of platforms catering to K-drama enthusiasts, two prominent sites stand out: KissAsian and DramaCool. Both offer a vast library of Korean dramas, but which one provides the superior viewing experience? Let's delve into the comparison.
Content Library:
One of the primary factors when choosing a streaming site is the breadth and quality of its content library. Both KissAsian and DramaCool boast extensive collections of Korean dramas, ranging fr om classic favorites to the latest releases. However, upon closer inspection, users may find discrepancies in their libraries. DramaCool tends to prioritize newer dramas, frequently updating its catalog with the latest episodes shortly after they air in Korea. On the other hand, KissAsian may offer a more comprehensive selection of older titles and niche dramas that are not readily available elsewh ere. Therefore, the choice between the two depends on individual preferences regarding content freshness and diversity.
User Interface and Navigation:
A user-friendly interface enhances the viewing experience by making it easy to find and access desired content. DramaCool features a sleek and intuitive interface, with categories neatly organized for convenient browsing. Users can quickly search for specific dramas or explore recommendations based on genre, popularity, or release year. Similarly, KissAsian offers a straightforward interface with a user-friendly design. However, some users may find its layout less polished compared to DramaCool. Ultimately, both platforms deliver seamless navigation, ensuring that viewers can enjoy their favorite dramas without unnecessary hassle.
Video Quality and Streaming Experience:
The quality of video playback is crucial for an enjoyable viewing experience. Both KissAsian and DramaCool offer various streaming options, allowing users to adjust video quality based on their internet connection speed and device capabilities. While DramaCool generally provides high-definition streaming for newer releases, KissAsian may offer more options for lower bandwidth connections, catering to users with limited internet access. Additionally, users should consider factors such as buffering time and server reliability, as these can significantly impact the streaming experience. Overall, both platforms strive to deliver smooth and uninterrupted playback, ensuring that viewers can immerse themselves fully in their favorite dramas.
Ad Experience:
One aspect that may affect user satisfaction is the presence of advertisements. Like many free streaming sites, both KissAsian and DramaCool rely on ads to generate revenue and maintain their services. While ads are an inevitable part of the viewing experience, excessive or intrusive advertisements can detract from enjoyment. DramaCool typically features fewer ads compared to KissAsian, providing a relatively smoother and less disruptive viewing experience. However, users should expect occasional ad interruptions on both platforms, especially during playback.
Legal Considerations:
It's essential to address the legal aspects of streaming content. While KissAsian and DramaCool offer free access to Korean dramas, their legality may be questionable. These sites often host copyrighted content without proper licensing, potentially infringing on intellectual property rights. As a result, using these platforms may expose users to legal risks, such as copyright infringement claims or malware threats. To support the Korean entertainment industry ethically, viewers are encouraged to explore legal streaming options, such as licensed streaming platforms or subscription services.
In conclusion, both KissAsian and DramaCool cater to the diverse preferences of K-drama enthusiasts, offering extensive libraries and user-friendly interfaces. While DramaCool excels in providing timely updates and high-quality streaming for newer releases, KissAsian stands out for its comprehensive selection of older and niche dramas. Ultimately, the choice between the two platforms depends on individual preferences regarding content freshness, user interface, and legal considerations. Regardless of the chosen platform, viewers can indulge in the captivating world of Korean dramas and immerse themselves in unforgettable storytelling experiences.
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PinoyFlix provides a one-stop destination for Filipinos seeking a taste of their homeland's rich and vibrant entertainment industry.

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Bigg Boss 18 Full Episodes
The reality show Bigg Boss 18 is currently in the casting process, and recent and will be on air

in October 2024 and Get all the latest news and updates on Bigg Boss season 18 live episodes.

Bigg Boss 18 Full Episodes
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메이저사이트 : 성인용품 【외계인】 ■ 사설토토 추천 순위

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